The Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) is primarily for professionals of the Film, Audio-visual and Motion picture industry, Media and film festival representatives. The 29th Edition of FESPACO is taking place from 22 February to 01 March 2025. Participation of professionals is subject to an accreditation granted depending on the professional activity.

This Regulation aims to define the criteria for granting each category of accreditations.

Article 1: Access to professional or screening venues of the 29th Edition of FESPACO is subject to accreditation.

Article 2: Registration for any categories of accreditation implies adherence to this Regulation.

Article 3: Professional Accreditation is only for professionals of the Film, Audio-visual and Motion Picture industry, Media and film festival representatives.

An accreditation is strictly limited to personal use.

Article 4: Not all national professionals will be accredited. A quota of accreditations will be given to each Film and Audio-visual association. Based on this quota, each association manager shall be responsible for the registration of their members.

Article 5: The Professional Accreditation gives access to cinema halls and the MICA venue. 

Article 6: Media Accreditation will be granted to media professionals, giving access to press screening sessions. It does not give direct access to cinema halls. To access cinema halls, the Media Accreditation must be accompanied by a « Pass » or a notification on it.

Article 7: Not all media professionals will be accredited. A quota of media accreditations will be set for each medium depending on its periodicity, audience, cinema specialization and coverage of festival events.  

Managers of the media agencies shall be responsible for the registration of their team members.

The national press card of each appointed member or an official letter with the list of team members must be attached.

Article 8: A National Organizing Committee Accreditation will be issued to event organizers. This accreditation does not give access to the festival’s cinema halls.

Article 9: An « Invité » (Guest) Accreditation will be issued to festival guests, giving access to all festival’s venues.

Article 10: The « Etalon Badge » gives access to festival cinema halls and other venues. It costs CFA 25,000 or Euro 39 and is valid for the entire festival period. The Etalon badge is sold at the Festival Accounting Office.

Article 11: The General Delegate of FESPACO shall be competent to hear any dispute over the interpretation of this Regulation.

Amicable settlement shall be preferred in the event of any dispute.

Only the French version of this Regulation shall prevail.

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