In this film, the aim is to restore the rich life of this atypical character of Moustapha Thiombiano called “the madman”, “the boss” or “the cowboy” in the field of media, culture (Fespaco), and popular urban activities through testimonies and archives. The dynamics of the film are modelled on the character of the character himself. That is to say in movement as indicated by his name “Laabli” in Gulmatchéma. The tone of the film is in the image of Mustapha, raw, comical, frank and direct without euphemism. It is also about showing, regime after regime, how his works have influenced the populations from 1960 to today. What was the relationship between Moustapha the free thinker and Captain Thomas Sankara during the revolution and the other presidents? What was his relationship with wealth? women? democracy? youth? And religion?
Born in Pièla, in a rural commune in the East of Burkina Faso, Luc Youlouka DAMIBA has a Master’s degree in journalism and communication from the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University of Ouagadougou. He then embarked on a career as a researcher specializing in anti-corruption and governance issues in West Africa. He studied development at the University of Geneva in Switzerland where he obtained a Master’s degree in development studies. After a few years of journalistic practice in the private and public press in Burkina, DAMIBA co-founded with friends a web television on the one hand and on the other hand a platform for the dissemination of audiovisual media to the youth (Ciné Droit Libre festival). For more than 15 years, he has been co-directing the cultural and militant association Semfilms Burkina, which specializes in the use of images for the promotion of human rights. DAMIBA has directed, co-directed, produced and co-produced several thematic documentaries in Burkina, and in several African countries. He makes cinema his passion and his commitment to human rights.
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