Sèkamè TCHAOU, Benin, 2024 SYNOPSIS Cocou and Fifame, a brother and sister living in the countryside, survive on their harvests. One day, while attempting to steal from a farmer, they discover his wounded and dying body. Cocou suggests taking him to a nearby village...
Claver YAMEOGO, Burkina Faso, 2024 SYNOPSISIt is the rainy season in the savanna. Bouky decides to build a bamboo hut and seeks help from Panga, the squirrel. Near the river, incredible bamboo plants have grown, bringing greenery back to part of the steppe. On their...
QUENUM AHISSI MIRYAM AKISSI O., Côte d’Ivoire, 2024 SYNOPSISIn a distant village, Akassi, a demanding young girl, marries a perfect man with no scars, unaware that he is actually a serpent spirit. Trapped in a cave after their wedding, she sings for help. Thanks to a...
Henri Pardo, Haiti, 2024 SYNOPSIS:In the mid-1970s, Rico, a 9-year-old Haitian boy, is abruptly torn from his homeland and thrust, along with his mother Erzulie, onto a strange new planet called Canada. Since their arrival, a distance has grown between mother and son....
Madina Alexandre N’falle, Togo, 2024 SYNOPSIS A majestic butterfly, with its vibrant colors, may let its delicate wings brush against the spider’s web. Come and witness, in its entanglement, the dilemma of kindness and the dinner. BIOGRAPHY AND FILMOGRAPHYMadina...
Boris OUÉ, Côte d’Ivoire, 2023 SYNOPSISUnacknowledged by her father, Sokhna is raised by her grandparents and her mother. After her mother’s death, her future appears fraught with peril. Alone and facing her destiny, she finds herself in utter despair, battling...
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