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Call for projects: Yennenga post-production

Implementation period: 18 to 21 October 2021
Closing date for submissions: 15 August 2021 at 24.00 GMT

This call for project is intended for directors of finishing films from African countries 

Yennenga Post-Production is a programme for promoting co-production partnerships and facilitating access to international markets for African contents. It offers an opportunity to present films still in post-production phase to industry people and international distributors in order to support the completion of such films with concrete aid.

The purpose of Yennenga Post-Production is to provide practical assistance for the completion of African films, give producers and directors an opportunity to show their films still in post-production phase to cinema professionals to facilitate their completion and to promote co-production partnerships and access to the international market (distribution, sales, etc.).

This call for projects is intended for African directors who meet the criteria set forth in the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION Regulation.

Following the call for projects, a committee will shortlist seven (7) film projects in post-production phase for the 27th Edition of FESPACO. The main selection criterion shall be the artistic quality of submissions. Most specifically, submissions must be films in finishing phase made exclusively by filmmakers from African countries. Only fictional feature films or creative documentary films (with minimum length of 60 minutes) will be considered. Finally, filmmakers with projects must be at their first or second debut feature film project (fictional or documentary).

Registration is free and online at www.fespaco.org on the page dedicated for FESPACO PRO. The complete documentation must be sent to fespacoprod@fespaco.org before 15 August 2021, 24.00 GMT.

Submission material must be in French or English. Only one project by applicant will be accepted.

Submission material shall include:

  • Synopsis;
  • Director’s note of intent;
  • Producer’s note of intent;
  • Director’s bio-filmography;
  • Producer’s bio-filmography;
  • Photos and visuals of film;
  • Name and address of production company;
  • Director’s or producer’s cover letter specifying the post-production needs and expectations of the film; and
  • Viewing link and password of film submitted.

Four (4) prizes will be awarded to the best projects under YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION:

  1. FESPACO Post-Production Aid Prize in the amount of Euro Seven thousand five hundred (7,500);
  2. CNC (National Centre for Cinema and Animated Image-France) Prize in the amount of Euro Five thousand (5,000);
  3. DoxBox Prize for a documentary film comprised of a Post-Production grant (Transport/for 1 person, Accommodation + Studio fees) worth Euro 30,000 in Berlin, Germany; and
  4. Noureddine Saïl Prize comprised of a Post-Production grant (Transport/for 1 person, Accommodation + Studio fees) worth Euro 50,000 in Casablanca, Morocco.

For more information, please visit www.fespaco.org or send an email to ateliersyenennga@fespaco.org.

Scheduled for October 2021, the first edition of YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION is organized in close collaboration with CNC (National Centre for Cinema and Animated Image), DoxBox, and Casa Film Lab.