A young woman, mounted on a horse and armed with a quiver, gallops at a fast pace. The horse speeds up at every command of its master. Mixing with the sound of hooves, a distant voice calling for someone can be heard, Yennenga… Without paying attention to this call, the rider continues her ride and disappears in the distance. Ignoring the concerns of the rider Yennenga, the city of Ouagadougou is dressed in its finest finery to receive its guests, including directors who have their films in competition at the 27th edition of Fespaco. Like a horse race, four (4) directors, Moumouni from Burkina Faso, Fama from Senegal, Aicha from Niger and Mutiganda from Rwanda, set out for a long ride.
Eléonore YAMEOGO is a Burkinabe director. She studied cinema at the “Institut Supérieur de l’Image et du Son” Image and Sound in Ouagadougou, then during workshops in France and Belgium. After having directed short and medium-length films: “Ouaga Jazzy”, “Ouaga HH”, “La main tendue”, 2011 marks the
the release of his first feature-length documentary “Paris mon Paradis” which premiered at FESPACO
at the FESPACO and won the prize of the Conseil Supérieur de I’Information. A series of awards followed in the same year. In 2019, she released “Le cimetière des éléphants” selected for the feature documentary competition at FESPACO. In 2021, Eléonore co-directs with Rosine Mbakam (Cameroon), An Van Dienderen (Belgium) “PRISM” a feature documentary. In 2022, Eléonore Yaméogo directed a documentary series of 26 episodes*12 min entitled ” DE L’AUTRE COTE DES RIVES “.
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