As part of the 29th Edition taking place from 22 February to 1st March 2025, the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) would like to inform professionals of the film and audio-visual industry that entries for the African International Film and Audio-visual Market (MICA) are on.

Indeed, the 22nd Edition of MICA will take place from 23 to 28 February 2025.

MICA is one of the main articulations of FESPACO PRO networking professionals in the various segments of the film, audio-visual and motion picture industry.

MICA provides a space where you can find distribution platforms, meet with producers, film festival managers, cinema schools, programmers, African film distributors, and so on.

The main purpose of the market is to foster interactions building on the industry new business models.

MICA 2025 opens its doors to film professionals through:

  • promotional stands at MICA Pavilion;
  • registration of companies and films into the official FESPACO PRO catalogue;
  • on demand screening sessions;
  • B to B spaces.

In this context, the Management of FESPACO would like to inform professionals of the industry that entries for the various MICA 2025 activities are on:

  • from 14 June to 31 December 2024 for registration into FESPACO PRO catalogue;
  • from 14 June 2024 to 22 February 2025 for on demand screening sessions;
  • from 14 June 2024 to 15 January 2025 for stands at MICA 2025 Pavilion.

Participation in MICA is subject to payment of the registration fees as follows:

  • CFA Thirty-two thousand five hundred (32,500) for FESPACO PRO catalogue;
  • CFA Thirty-two thousand five hundred (32,500) for on demand screening sessions;
  • CFA Five hundred thousand (500,000) for a 9stand.

To register into MICA, click here.