MONKANNarcisse WANDJI, Cameroon, 2024 SYNOPSISMonkam is an exemplary pastor whose only son, a promising football player, collapses during a match. Diagnosed with a serious heart condition, he urgently needs a transplant, but the operation is far too expensive for...
Nadine Otsobogo, Gabon, 2024 SYNOPSISIn Libreville, a high-security bank equipped with electronic surveillance is robbed. The aftermath: eight security guards dead and an empty vault. Strangely, the surveillance cameras recorded nothing. Fearing the case could turn...
Adama Bineta SOW, Sénégal, 2024 SYNOPSIS Khalilou, a young student who, after his mother contracts cancer linked to depigmentation, decides to denounce dangerous beauty standards. To do this, he disguises himself as Leila and participates in the “Miss...
Kismath Baguiri, Côte d’Ivoire, 2024 BIOFILMOGRAPHYOriginally from Benin, Kismath Baguiri was born on April 30, 1994. Her film Suru won the “Audience Award” at the “Vues d’Afrique” Festival in April 2020 in Montreal, Canada. This 26-minute short film focuses on the...
Damien Hauser, Suisse, 2023 SYNOPSIS Ten year old Aisha is given a school assignment to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. She soon realizes that everyone is taking over their parents‘ businesses and professions, but she has bigger dreams. She wants to...
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