Synopsis. La ligne blanche 1963, trois ans après une révolte qui secoua le Sud-Ouest africain. C’est une histoire au nom de l’espoir d’un amour interdit. La vie d’une femme noire change a jamais lorsqu’un policier blanc tombe amoureux d’elle. Leur amour illicite l’un pour l’autre grandit au fil du temps à travers les lettres qu’ils s’écrivent mutuellement. Ils doivent surmonter plusieurs obtacles dont le plus grand, leur couleur de peau.
Set in 1963, after the Old Location uprising which shook South West Africa, a black maid’s life is changed forever when she encounters an Afrikaner police officer on a routine passbook check. Their illicit love for each other grows over time through the letters they write to each other, and they endure many obstacles beyond their different skin colours.
Desiree KAHIKOPO is an emerging female filmmaker from Namibia. She’s participation in the Namibian film and theatre industry spans over 12 years as a performer, actress, creative director as well as playwright. She produced, wrote and directed a theatre play titled A Lifetime of Blues that won best set design at the Namibian Film and Theatre Awards. She has worked on countless film sets including Fish Out of Water as a Line Producer by the well-known Namibian filmmaker Vickson Hangula. KAHIKOPO was selected to be part of the Talents Durban 2018 class.
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