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Delphine YERBANGA, Burkina Faso, 2024


Arly, in the early hours of the morning, hooded men on large two-wheeled machines. Koumbo’s family did not escape the violence. Her husband, Amédée, was shot dead in cold blood.

After the attackers had left, Koumbo followed the example of the villagers, who feared further reprisals to take refuge with their in-laws in Ouagadougou. But her family-in-law refused to help her give her husband a burial, accusing her of having caused the death of their son.


Delphine Yerbanga was born on 20 November 1985 in Ouagadougou. She holds a Master I in audiovisual studies from the Institut de Formation en Technique de l’Information et de la Communication (IFTIC) in Niger and a Master II in creative documentary filmmaking from the Université Gaston Berger in Saint Louis, Senegal. She began her career as a director in 2012 and set up a production company in 2016. She has been president of the Africadoc Burkina association since 2013 and a member of the Fespaco Junior Space organising committee since 2011. She was a member of the national organising committee for FESPACO 2019 and chaired the Espace Junior committee for youth and children.


 L’Age d’or du FESPACO, 52′, February 2019

 Les violences faites aux femmes et aux hommes : Parlons-en, September 2017

 Biba la Taxiwoman, 16’42, August 2017

 Théophane mon fils, 10’10 Paris, FEMIS 2013

 Entre nous, 26mn, Senegal 2012

 Avec Bachir, Senegal, March 2012

 Saidou à l’hôpital des pneus, 13mn IFTIC – Niger, April 2011).