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Asmae El Moudir, Maroc, Royaume d’Arabie Saudite, Quatar, Egypte,2023


Young Moroccan filmmaker Asmae El Moudir wants to know why she only has one photograph from her childhood, and why the girl in the picture isn’t even her. She decides to explore the past and its mysteries by creating a handmade replica of the Casablanca neighborhood where she grew up. There, she begins to interrogate the tales her mother, father and grandmother tell about their home and their country. Slowly, she starts to unravel the layers of deception and intentional forgetting that have shaped her life. The truth is hard to face, but in this sometimes surreal nonfiction film, El Moudir begins to draw what is real to the surface.


ASMAE EL MOUDIR – Director / Writer / Producer Asmae El Moudir (born in 1990 in Salé) is a Moroccan film director, screenwriter and producer. She studied at La Fémis in Paris and holds a master’s degree in production from the Superior Institute of Information and Communication in Rabat and a bachelor’s degree in documentary cinema from the Abdelmalek Essaâdi University in Tetouan. She also graduated in 2010 from the Moroccan Film Academy in Film studies (ISCA). Asmae has directed documentaries for SNRT, Al Jazeera Documentary, BBC and Al Araby TV. She has won important national and international awards and her films have been screened in festivals worldwide and presented in co-production markets. After making a number of short films, Asmae completed her first feature documentary, THE POSTCARD, in 2020. THE MOTHER OF ALL LIES is her second feature film. Select Filmography: THE COLORS OF SILENCE (2012, Nadacom Production, 25′) THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY (2013, La Fémis, 13’) (the director’s most awarded short film) ROUGH CUT (2015, Insightfilms, 25′) THE POSTCARD (2020, Aljazeera Production, 83’/53’ TV) THE MOTHER OF ALL LIES (2023, Insightfilms, 97′