Laurent PANTALEON, Réunion Island, 2024
In Réunion Island, when buying a car, starting a new job, moving into an apartment, or simply seeking protection from bad luck, people turn to a diviner, a talisman, a shield of protection. This object, which can be as simple as a piece of red fabric, is called a garantie (guarantee). But what if I, too, needed a garantie to ensure the success of this film?
Graduated in cinema and audiovisual studies and holding a degree from the School of Fine Arts of La Réunion, Laurent Pantaléon creates photographic and video works exploring Reunionese identity and heritage. In 2004, he began visualizing several of his scripts, laying the foundation for his cinematic universe. Among his notable works are Gromonmon (2022), Mada (2021), and Santyé Papangèr (2020).