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Camila Ribeiro, Brésil, 2023


Jussara is the living memory of the village where she lives, known as a counselor and storyteller, she enchantes and engages everyone around her. One day, she realizes she’s tired of carrying so many stories and decides to live her own


Director and screenwriter of the animation “Jussara” (2023), showcased at over 60 festivals including the 51st Gramado Festival; of the dance video “Elise” (2021) available on the Cardume platform, and of the video mapping “Reverb: a flor da pele,” which participated in the I Ssa Mapping (2017). With fourteen years of experience in the field, she has participated in more than forty audiovisual productions across the Northeast, North, and Southeast regions of the country. She holds a Master’s degree from the Póscultura/UFBa program, where she researches the construction of black characters in contemporary national cinema