COMPAORE Abdéel, Burkina Faso, 2023
Nathalie, a bureaucrat married to Robert, a chief accountant, struggles in a complicated relationship due to Robert’s sexual impotence, which he refuses to discuss. This issue creates tensions, especially when Nathalie confides in her mother, triggering Robert’s shame and another act of aggression. Hurt and wounded, Nathalie decides not to remain passive in the face of violence.
Born on November 11, 2002, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Abdéel Tong-Noma COMPAORE has a deep passion for cinema. After earning his high school diploma, he pursued studies at the Institut Supérieur de l’Image et du Son/Studio-École (ISIS/SE), where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in filmmaking. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree, he co-wrote and co-directed the series Envers et contre tout, produced by UNICEF, in collaboration with ISIS-SE.