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Fousseyni MAIGA, Mali, 2024


Culture is, by essence, the alpha and omega of all development. It serves as the foundation for identity formation and social advocacy. For a society, culture is as vital as the heart to the human body. The director’s goal is to use cinema as a tool for preserving Malian cultural heritage, placing it at the core of community resilience.


Fousseyni MAIGA, a Malian screenwriter, director, and producer, has directed over twenty films and produced more than 50 projects, including films, series, and documentaries. Among his most notable works, WOLONWULA (SEPT) has won over twenty international awards across Africa and the USA. In 2023, he launched FATÔW / THE MADMEN (documentary), LA VEUVE (series), and LE RÊVE DE DIEU (fiction).