When his father dies due to a lack of financial means for an early treatment of his illness, Malla blames the whole world. He blames his older brother Fado, his mother, his late father and even God. He only dreams of one thing, to get out of this misery and avoid his younger sister Kandi, to die from this hereditary disease that took their father. In his quest for a solution, Malla drags his family, in spite of themselves, into a dark adventure.
OUEDRAOGO Dramane was born in Abobo-Gare, Republic of Ivory Coast, on December 28, 1985. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, and his love for art led him to the cinema for the first time in 2007 as an actor in a short film entitled “Amour sans frontière” (Love without borders) by Laurentine BAYALA, where he plays the main character. He then trained in theater and contemporary dance at the “Atelier Théâtre Burkinabè” (ATB). He then played several roles in forum plays and in about twenty films of all genres.
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