3D taught to kids at FESPACO SUKABE

The biennale of African cinema is also dedicated to kids. Besides the usual activities, kids are also involved for them to be part of the celebrations and to awaken their interest for cinema.

At the International Centre called “La Termitière” youth aged 5-30 are familiarize themselves with virtual reality techniques, filmmaking and the basics of artistic make-up. In this context, Adama OUEDRAOGO, filmmaker and creator of “Clap en Herbe” trains students in schools to ensure the future of Burkinabè Cinema. The future generation should be initiated to virtual reality, the use of digital tool for 3D filmmaking like in developed countries. Charles YARO, one of the predecessors of this innovative technique, was with the kids. At CDC La Termitière, UNICEF provides support to FESPACO with film screenings on COVID 19 preventive measures. Participants positively welcome this event of the biennale of African cinema.

Delphine BANISSI